Old Town Chiropractic

Can your Back Pains be related to Adrenal Stress?

Can your Back Pains be related to Adrenal Stress?

Lower back pain is the most common cause of job related disability and leading contributor to missed work. Low back pain may be due to degenerative arthritis, herniated disc, sprain or strains and even imbalances of the hips, knees and feet. Americans spend over 50 Billion dollars per year trying to diagnose this pain via X-ray, CT Scans and MRIs. 

Do you know anybody with Scoliosis?

Do you know anybody with Scoliosis?

You have heard of kids getting checked by nurses at school, but what can they actually do? Most go undetected unless a severe abnormality of the spine, shoulders, hips or rib cage can be easily seen. Then what... braces, supports...surgery! 

Apparently, Tylenol/Acetaminophen is toxic to the human body

Apparently, Tylenol/Acetaminophen is toxic to the human body

Most parents think of Tylenol as a wonder drug -- harmless, readily available, and a miraculous cure for teething fussiness, ear infection pain, fevers and other childhood maladies. But when an old friend's son died recently from tylenol poisoning, I did some research. Call me naive, but I was shocked by what I learned.

Do you need a 2nd Opinion?

Do you need a 2nd Opinion?

I hear often that "I went to my Medical Doctor and he prescribed me medicine" as if that was a cure to there problem. If you have a disc that is degenerating or numbness that keeps returning worse over the years, then it might be time to seek another opinion. It is important to look at the whole body instead of treating the symptoms with pain killers. People spend 80% of their medical costs in the last 6 months of Life. Your health is easier to maintain than to wait for a crisis to manifest!

Spinal Problems Affect Immune System

Spinal Problems Affect Immune System

Research has shown the immune system is under direct control by the nervous system. White blood cells have receptor sites for chemicals produced by the nervous system called neuro-hormones and neuro-modulators. 

Developing a "Hump" in your Back?

Developing a "Hump" in your Back?

As more people are sitting for prolonged periods of time, we are starting to see an epidemic of Kyphotic (head forward) posture especially with kids getting addicted to gaming on their computers, tablets and now cell phones. Here are ways to check yourself and your family.

5 Tips to Reduce Stress

5 Tips to Reduce Stress

 There are 2 types of breathing: shallow and deep. Taking shallow chest breathes causes the body to operate in the "fight or flight" mode, which is highly stressful. Less oxygen goes to the brain and the body continues to operate on high alert. It is important to take deep abdominal breathes, which stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system. 

Preventing Stiffness Of Neck And Back In The Mornings

Preventing Stiffness Of Neck And Back In The Mornings

Are you waking up each day with stiffness of neck and back? It is definitely an unpleasant experience wrecking your day from the onset. Thing is, there are numerous reasons why you may be stiff. Your pillow may have been too firm, too high, or too low. A cold wind may have caressed your neck upon waking up. You could have fallen asleep while watching TV and your head tilted to one side. Maybe you were using the laptop or iPad too long. And perhaps, it could have been from an accident, such as whiplash or a fall. - See more at: http://thechiroblog.com/preventing-stiffness-of-neck-and-back-in-the-mornings/#sthash.WJyQSCni.dpuf

Chiropractic Is The Better Treatment For Pinched Nerve

Chiropractic Is The Better Treatment For Pinched Nerve

The millions of nerves in the body allow a person to respond to stimuli. Through the body’s nervous system, a person has the ability to feel, be it good or bad. A pinched nerve can be quite common but is a signal from the body that something is wrong. - See more at: http://thechiroblog.com/chiropractic-is-the-better-treatment-for-pinched-nerve/#sthash.POm51MTx.dpuf